PCB Design - Mixed Signal vs Single Signal

November 17, 2021

PCB Design - Mixed Signal vs Single Signal

PCBs are the backbone of electronic devices, and their design plays a significant role in the functioning of the device. When it comes to PCB design, one of the decisions that designers have to make is choosing between mixed signal and single signal PCB designs. In this article, we will provide a factual, unbiased comparison between mixed signal and single signal PCB design, so you can make an informed decision about which design best suits your needs.

What is Mixed Signal PCB Design

Mixed signal PCB design refers to a type of design that combines both analog and digital signals on a single circuit board. This design allows for the communication of data between the analog and digital signals.

One of the benefits of mixed signal PCBs is that they are more cost-effective, as designers don't have to use separate boards for analog and digital signals. Additionally, mixed signal PCBs take up less space, providing a compact design, and the communication between analog and digital signals is much faster.

What is Single Signal PCB Design

Single signal PCB design refers to a type of circuit board that only carries one signal. In most cases, the signal is either digital or analog.

Single signal PCBs are simpler to design than mixed signal PCBs, and they provide better signal integrity due to the absence of signal interference. Additionally, single signal PCBs are cost-effective for simple circuits that only require one signal.

Comparison Table

To provide a clear overview, we have created a comparison table below that highlights the key differences between mixed signal and single signal PCB designs.

Criteria Mixed Signal PCB Design Single Signal PCB Design
Cost Less expensive Expensive
Signal integrity Slightly less Better
Circuitry Complex Simple
Component count Higher Lower
Space Compact Larger
Communication Faster Slower


The choice between mixed signal and single signal PCB design primarily depends on the type of circuit you want to design. If you require both analog and digital signals in your circuit, then mixed signal PCB design is the best option for you. In contrast, for simple circuits that require only one signal, single signal PCB design is the better option due to better signal integrity.

We hope this comparison has provided you with the information you need to make the right PCB design choice for your project.


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